Dear Users,
in case FLake has been used in your study that resulted in a publication please send a reference to Arkady Terzhevik who will include it into the following list (if possible, please also send a PDF of your publication.
Balsamo, G., E. Dutra, V. M. Stepanenko, P.
Viterbo, P. M. A. Miranda, and D. Mironov, 2010: Deriving an effective
lake depth from satellite lake surface temperature data: a feasibility
study with MODIS data. Boreal Env.
Res., 15, 178-190.
Balsamo, G., R. Salgado, E. Dutra, S. Boussetta, T. Stockdale, and M. Potes, 2012:
On the contribution of lakes in predicting near-surface temperature in a global weather forecasting model.
Tellus A, 64, 15829.
Bernhardt, J., C. Engelhardt, G. Kirillin, and J. Matschullat, 2012:
Lake ice phenology in Berlin-Brandenburg from 1947–2007: observations and model hindcasts.
Clim. Change, 112, 791-817.
Beyrich, F., J.-P. Leps, M. Mauder, J. Bange,
T. Foken, S. Huneke, H. Lohse, A. Luedi, W. M. L. Meijninger, D.
Mironov, U. Weisensee, and P. Zittel, 2006: Area-averaged surface
fluxes over the LITFASS region based on eddy-covariance measurements. Boundary-Layer Meteorol.,
121, 33-65.
Brown, L. C., and C. R. Duguay, 2010:
The response and role of ice cover in lake-climate interactions.
Prog. Phys. Geog., 34, 671-704.
Busch, S., G. Kirillin, and T. Mehner, 2012:
Plasticity in habitat use determines metabolic response of fish to global warming in stratified lakes.
Oecologia, 170, 275-287.
Cheng, B., T. Vihma, L. Rontu, A. Kontu, H. Kheyrollah Pour, C. Duguay,
and J. Pulliainen, 2014:
Evolution of snow and ice temperature, thickness and energy balance in Lake Orajärvi, northern Finland.
Tellus A, 66, 21564.
Choulga, M., E. Kourzeneva, E. Zakharova, and A. Doganovsky, 2014:
Estimation of the mean depth of boreal lakes for use in numerical weather prediction and climate modelling.
Tellus A, 66, 21295.
de Bruijn, E. I. F., F. C. Bosveld, and E. V. van der Plas, 2014:
An intercomparison study of ice thickness models in the Netherlands.
Tellus A, 66, 21244.
Docquier, D., W. Thiery, S. Lhermitte, and N. van Lipzig, 2016:
Multi-year wind dynamics around Lake Tanganyika.
Clim. Dyn., 47, 3191-3202.
d'Orgeville, M., W. R. Peltier, A. Erler and J. Gula, 2014:
Climate change impacts on Great Lakes Basin precipitation extremes.
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 10799-10812.
Dutra, E., V. M. Stepanenko, G. Balsamo, P.
Viterbo, P. M. A. Miranda, D. Mironov, and C. Schär, 2010: An offline
study of the impact of lakes on the performance of the ECMWF surface
scheme. Boreal Env. Res., 15, 100-112.
Eerola, K., L. Rontu, E. Kourzeneva, H. Kheyrollah Pour, and C. Duguay, 2014:
Impact of partly ice-free Lake Ladoga on temperature and cloudiness in an anticyclonic winter situation –
a case study using a limited area model.
Tellus A, 66, 23929.
Eerola, K., L. Rontu, E. Kourzeneva, and E.
Shcherbak, 2010: A study on effects of lake temperature and ice cover
in HIRLAM. Boreal Env. Res., 15, 130-142.(PDF)
Fiedler, E. K., M. J. Martin, and J. Roberts-Jones, 2014:
An operational analysis of Lake Surface Water Temperature.
Tellus A, 66, 21247.
Golosov, S., and G. Kirillin, 2010: A
parameterized model of heat storage by lake sediments. Eviron. Modell. Softw.,
25, 793-801.
Golosov, S., O. Maher, E. Schipunova, A.
Terzhevik, G. Zdorovennova, and G. Kirillin,
2006: Physical background of the development of oxygen depletion in
ice-covered lakes. Oecologia,
151, 331-340. doi:10.1007/s00442-006-0543-8
Golosov, S., A. Terzhevik, I. Zverev, G. Kirillin, and C. Engelhardt, 2012:
Climate change impact on thermal and oxygen regime of shallow lakes.
Tellus A, 64, 17264.
Gula, J., and W. R. Peltier, 2012:
Dynamical downscaling over the Great Lakes Basin of North America using the WRF Regional Climate Model:
The impact of the Great Lakes system on regional greenhouse warming.
J. Climate, 25, 7723-7742.
Hernández-Díaz, L., R. Laprise, L. Sushama, A. Martynov,
K. Winger, and B. Dugas, 2013:
Climate simulation over CORDEX Africa domain using the fifth-generation
Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM5).
Clim. Dyn., 40, 1415-1433.
Kheyrollah Pour, H., C. Duguay, A. Martynov, and L. C. Brown, 2012:
Simulation of surface temperature and ice cover of large northern lakes with 1-D models:
a comparison with MODIS satellite data and in situ measurements.
Tellus A, 64, 17614.
Kheyrollah Pour, H., C. R. Duguay, R. Solberg, Ø. Rudjord, 2014:
Impact of satellite-based lake surface observations on the initial state of HIRLAM.
Part I: Evaluation of remotely-sensed lake surface water temperature observations.
Tellus A, 66, 21534.
Kheyrollah Pour, H., L. Rontu, C. Duguay, K. Eerola, and E. Kourzeneva, 2014:
Impact of satellite-based lake surface observations on the initial state of HIRLAM.
Part II: Analysis of lake surface temperature and ice cover.
Tellus A, 66, 21395.
Kirillin, G., 2010: Modeling the impact of
global warming on water temperature and seasonal mixing regimes in
small temperate lakes. Boreal Env.
Res., 15, 279-293.(PDF)
Kirillin, G., H.-P. Grossart, and K. W. Tang, 2012:
Modeling sinking rate of zooplankton carcasses: Effects of stratification and mixing.
Limnol. Oceanogr., 57,
Kirillin, G., J. Hochschild, D. Mironov, A. Terzhevik, S. Golosov and G. Nützmann 2011:
FLake-Global: Online lake model with worldwide coverage.
Environ. Modell. Softw., 26,
Kirillin, G., W. Phillipp, C. Engelhardt, and G. Nützmann, 2013:
Net groundwater inflow in an enclosed lake: from synoptic variations to climatic projections.
Hydrol. Process.,
27, 347-359.
Kirillin, G., T. Shatwell, and P. Kasprzak, 2013:
Consequences of thermal pollution from a nuclear plant on lake temperature and mixing regime.
J. Hydrol., 496, 47-56.
Kourzeneva, E., 2010: External data for lake
parameterization in Numerical Weather Prediction and climate modeling. Boreal Env. Res.,
15, 165-177.(PDF)
Kourzeneva, E., 2014:
Assimilation of lake water surface temperature observations using an extended Kalman filter.
Tellus A, 66, 21510.
Kourzeneva, E., H. Asensio, E. Martin, and S. Faroux, 2012:
Global gridded dataset of lake coverage and lake depth for use in numerical weather prediction and climate
Tellus A, 64, 15640.
Kourzeneva, E., E. Martin, Y. Batrak, and P. Le Moigne, 2012:
Climate data for parameterisation of lakes in Numerical Weather Prediction models.
Tellus A, 64, 17226.
Laprise, R., L. Hernández-Díaz, L. Sushama, K. Tete, L. Šeparović,
A. Martynov, K. Winger, and M. Valin, 2013:
Climate projections over CORDEX Africa domain using the fifth-generation Canadian Regional Climate Model
Clim. Dyn., 41, 3219-3246.
Le Moigne, P., J. Colin, and B. Decharme, 2016:
Impact of lake surface temperatures simulated by the FLake scheme in the CNRM-CM5 climate model.
Tellus A, 68, 31274.
MacKay, M. D., P. J. Neale, C. D. Arp, L. N.
De Senerpont Domis, X. Fang, G. Gal, K. D. Jöhnk, G. Kirillin, J. D.
Lenters, E. Litchman, S. MacIntyre, P. Marsh, J. Melack, W. M. Mooij,
F. Peeters, A. Quesada, S. G. Schladow, M. Schmid, C. Spence, and S. L.
Stokes, 2009: Modeling lakes and reservoirs in the climate system. Limnol. Oceanogr.,
54, 2315-2329.
Mallard, M. S., C. G. Nolte, O. R. Bullock, T. L. Spero and J. Gula, 2014:
Using a coupled lake model with WRF for dynamical downscaling.
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 7193-7208.
Mallard, M. S., C. G. Nolte, T. L. Spero, O. R. Bullock, K. Alapaty, J. Herwehe, J. Gula, and J. Bowden,
Technical challenges and solutions in representing lakes when using WRF in downscaling applications.
Geosci. Model Dev., 8,
Martynov, A., R. Laprise, L. Sushama, K. Winger, L. Šeparović, and B. Dugas, 2013:
Reanalysis-driven climate simulation over CORDEX North America domain
using the Canadian Regional Climate Model, version 5: model performance evaluation.
Clim. Dyn., 41, 2973-3005.
Martynov, A., L. Sushama, and R. Laprise,
2010: Simulation of temperate freezing lakes by one-dimensional lake
models: performance assessment for interactive coupling with regional
climate models. Boreal Env. Res.,
15, 143-164.(PDF)
Martynov, A., L. Sushama, R. Laprise, K. Winger, and B. Dugas, 2012:
Interactive lakes in the Canadian Regional Climate Model, version 5:
the role of lakes in the regional climate of North America.
Tellus A, 64, 16226.
Mironov, D., E. Heise, E. Kourzeneva, B.
Ritter, N. Schneider, and A. Terzhevik, 2010: Implementation of the
lake parameterisation scheme FLake into the numerical weather
prediction model COSMO. Boreal Env.
Res., 15, 218-230.(PDF)
Mironov, D., L. Rontu, E. Kourzeneva, and A.
2010: Towards improved representation of lakes in numerical weather
prediction and climate models: Introduction to the special issue of
Boreal Environment Research. Boreal
Env. Res., 15, 97-99. (PDF)
Mironov, D., B. Ritter, J.-P. Schulz, M. Buchhold, M. Lange, and E. Machulskaya, 2012:
Parameterization of sea and lake ice in numerical weather prediction models
of the German Weather Service.
Tellus A, 64, 17330.
Perroud, M., S. Goyette, A. Martynov, M.
Beniston, and O. Anneville, 2009: Simulation of multiannual thermal
profiles in deep Lake Geneva: A comparison of one-dimensional lake
models. Limnol. Oceanogr., 54, 1574-1594.
Petrov, M., A. Terzhevik, N. Palshin, R.
Zdorovennov, and G. Zdorovennova, 2005: Absorption of solar radiation
by snow-and-ice cover of lakes. Vodnye
Resursy, 32, 546-554. (in
Russian; English translation:Water Resources, p.496-504)
- Petrov, M., A. Terzhevik, R. Zdorovennov, and
G. Zdorovennova, 2006: The thermal structure of a shallow lake in early
winter. Vodnye Resursy,
33, 154-162. (in
Resources, p. 135-143)
- Petrov, M., A.
Terzhevik, R. Zdorovennov, and G. Zdorovennova, 2007: Water motions in
a shallow ice-covered lake. Vodnye
Resursy, 34, 131-140.
(in Russian; English translation: Water
Resources, 34, 113-122)
Potes, M., M. J. Costa, and R. Salgado, 2012:
Satellite remote sensing of water turbidity in Alqueva reservoir and implications on lake modelling.
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 1623-1633.
Rontu, L., K. Eerola, E. Kourzeneva, and B. Vehviläinen, 2012:
Data assimilation and parametrisation of lakes in HIRLAM.
Tellus A, 64, 17611.
Rooney, G. G., and
I. D. Jones, 2010: Coupling the 1-D lake model FLake to the community
land-surface model JULES. Boreal
Env. Res., 15, 501-512.
Salgado, R., and P. Le Moigne, 2010: Coupling
of the FLake model to the Surfex externalized surface model. Boreal
Env. Res., 15, 231-244.
Samuelsson, P., E. Kourzeneva, and D. Mironov,
2010: The impact of lakes on the European climate as simulated by a
regional climate model. Boreal Env.
Res., 15, 113-129.(PDF)
Semmler, T., B. Cheng, Y. Yang, and L. Rontu, 2012:
Snow and ice on Bear Lake (Alaska) – sensitivity experiments with two lake ice models.
Tellus A, 64, 17339.
Šeparović, L., A. Alexandru, R. Laprise, A. Martynov, L. Sushama,
K. Winger, K. Tete, and M. Valin, 2013:
Present climate and climate change over North America
as simulated by the fifth-generation Canadian regional climate model.
Clim. Dyn., 41, 3167-3201.
Shuter B. J., A. G. Finstad, I. P. Helland, I. Zweimüller, and F. Hölker, 2012:
The role of winter phenology in shaping the ecology of freshwater fish and their sensitivities to climate
Aquat. Sci.,
74, 637-657.
Stepanenko, V. M., S. Goyette, A. Martynov, M. Perroud, X. Fang, and D. Mironov, 2010:
First steps of a Lake Model Intercomparison Project: LakeMIP.
Boreal Env. Res., 15,
Stepanenko, V., K. D. Jöhnk, E. Machulskaya, M. Perroud, Z. Subin, A. Nordbo,
I. Mammarella, and D. Mironov , 2014:
Simulation of surface energy fluxes and stratification of a small boreal lake by a set of one-dimensional
Tellus A, 66, 21389.
Tam, B., W. A. Gough, and L. Tsuji, 2011:
The impact of warming on the appearance of furunculosis in fish of the James Bay region, Quebec, Canada.
Reg. Environ. Change, 11, 123-132.
Thiery, W., A. Martynov, F. Darchambeau, J.-P. Descy, P.-D. Plisnier, L. Sushama, and N. P. M. van Lipzig,
Understanding the performance of the FLake model over two African Great Lakes.
Geosci. Model Dev., 7,
Thiery, W., V. M. Stepanenko, X. Fang, K. D. Jöhnk, Z. Li, A. Martynov, M. Perroud, Z. M. Subin,
F. Darchambeau, D. Mironov, and N. P. M. van Lipzig, 2014:
LakeMIP Kivu: evaluating the representation of a large, deep tropical lake by a set of one-dimensional lake
Tellus A, 66, 21390.
Thiery, W., E. L. Davin, H.-J. Panitz, M. Demuzere, S. Lhermitte, and N. van Lipzig, 2015:
The impact of the African Great Lakes on the regional climate. J. Clim., 28, 4061-4085.
Thiery, W., E. L. Davin, S. I. Seneviratne, K. Bedka, S. Lhermitte, and N. P. M. van Lipzig, 2016:
Hazardous thunderstorm intensification over Lake Victoria. Nat. Commun., 7, 12786.
Vörös, M.,
V. Istvánovics, and T. Weidinger, 2010:
Applicability of the FLake model to Lake Balaton. Boreal Env. Res.,
15, 245-254.(PDF)
Book Chapters
Mironov, D. V.,
1991: Air-water interaction parameters over lakes. Modeling Air-Lake
interaction. Physical Background, S. S. Zilitinkevich, Ed.,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, etc., 50-62.
Mironov, D. V., S. D. Golosov, S. S.
Zilitinkevich, K. D. Kreiman, and A. Yu. Terzhevik, 1991: Seasonal
of temperature and mixing conditions in a lake. Modeling Air-Lake
interaction. Physical Background, S. S. Zilitinkevich, Ed.,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, etc., 74-90.
Conference Volumes
Bernhardt, J., G. Kirillin, C. Engelhardt, and J. Matschullat, 2009: Past and
future lake ice covers of the Berlin-Brandenburg area.
Proc. of the 13th Workshop on Physical
Processes in Natural Waters, G. Ciraolo,
G. B. Ferreri, and E. Napoli, Eds., Palermo, Italy, 14 pp.
Dutra, E., V. M. Stepanenko, G. Balsamo, P. Viterbo, P. M. A. Miranda, and D. Mironov, 2009:
Lakes representation in a land surface model. Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 11,
EGU2009-5584-4, EGU General Assembly 2009. (PDF,
also available at
Dutra, E., V.
Stepanenko, P. A. Miranda, P. Viterbo, D. Mironov, and V. N. Lykosov,
2006: Evaporation and seasonal temperature changes in lakes of the
Iberian Peninsula. Proc. of the 5th
Portuguese-Spanish Assembly of Geophysics and Geodesy, 30
January - 3 February 2006, Sevilha, Spain, 4 pp. (PDF)
Golosov, S. G., A. Terzhevik, O. A.
Maher, E. Shipunova, and G. Zdorovennova, 2004: Modelling seasonal
dynamics of dissolved oxygen in a shallow stratified lake. Proc. of the 8th Workshop on Physical
Processes in Natural Waters, L. Bengtsson and O. A. Maher, Eds.,
University of Lund, Lund, Sweden, 153-164.
Kirillin, G. 2001: On self-similarity of the pycnocline. Proc. of the 3rd International Symposium on
Environmental Hydraulics, D. Boyer and
R. Rankin, Eds., Tempe, AZ, USA, 6 pp. (PDF)
Kirillin, G., 2003: Modelling of the
shallow lake response to climate variability. Proc.
of the 7th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters, A.
Yu. Terzhevik, Ed., Northern Water Problems Institute of the Russian Academy
of Sciences, Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia, 144-148. (PDF)
Kirillin, G., S. Golosov, D. Mironov, and C. Engelhardt, 2008: Climate
warming and shallow lakes: the role of bottom sediments and water transparency.
Proc. of the Workshop "Perspectives Of Lake
Modelling Towards Predicting Reaction To Trophic Change", I. Schauzer and T. Strube, Eds.,
Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin Publication Series, vol. 9, 77-81.
(download the entire
Kirillin, G., W. Philipp, G. Nutzmann, and C. Engelhardt, 2010: The net water
budget of a lake without surface in- and outflow: a non-stationary
approach. Proc. of the 14th International
Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters, H. O. Andradottir, Ed., Reykjavik, Iceland,
116-124. (PDF)
Kourzeneva, K., and D. Braslavsky, 2005: Lake
model FLake, coupling with atmospheric model: first steps. Proc. of the 4th SRNWP/HIRLAM Workshop on
Surface Processes and Assimilation of Surface Variables jointly
with HIRLAM Workshop on Turbulence, S.
Gollvik, Ed., SMHI, Norrkoping, Sweden, 43-54. (PDF)
Martynov, A., R. Laprise, and L. Sushama,
2008: Off-line lake water and ice simulations: a step towards the
interactive lake coupling with the Canadian Regional Climate Model. Geophysical Research Abstracts,
vol. 10, EGU2008-A-02898, EGU General Assembly 2008. (PDF)
Mironov, D., S. Golosov, E. Heise, E.
Kourzeneva, B. Ritter, N. Scheider, and A. Terzhevik, 2005: FLake - a
lake model for environmental applications. Proc. of the 9th Workshop on Physical
Processes in Natural Waters, A. Folkard
and I. Jones, Eds., Lancaster University, UK, 73. (PDF)
D. V., S. D. Golosov, and I. S. Zverev, 2003: Temperature profile in
lake bottom sediments: an analytical self-similar solution. Proc. of the
7th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters, A. Yu.
Terzhevik, Ed., Northern Water Problems Institute of the Russian Academy of
Sciences, Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia, 90-97. (PDF)
Mironov, D., E.
Heise, E. Kourzeneva, B. Ritter, and N. Schneider, 2007:
Parameterisation of lakes in numerical weather prediction and climate
models. Proc. of the 11th Workshop
on Physical Processes in Natural Waters, L. Umlauf and G.
Kirillin, Eds., Berichte des IGB, vol. 25, Berlin, Germany, 101-108. (PDF,
download the entire
Mironov, D., G. Kirillin, E. Heise, S.
Golosov, A. Terzhevik, and I. Zverev, 2003: Parameterization of lakes
numerical models for environmental applications. Proc. of the 7th Workshop on Physical
Processes in Natural Waters, A. Yu. Terzhevik, Ed., Northern
Water Problems Institute of the Russian Academy of
Sciences, Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia, 135-143. (PDF)
Mironov, D., A. Terzhevik, F. Beyrich, E.
and H. Lohse, 2003: A two-layer lake model for use in numerical
prediction. Proc. of the Baltic
HIRLAM Workshop, 17-20 November 2003, St. Petersburg, Russia,
83-85. (PDF)
Mironov, D., A.
Terzhevik, E. Heise, and F.
Beyrich, 2003: Parameterization of lakes in NWP: description of a lake
model and single-column tests. Fifth
International SRNWP-Workshop on Nonhydrostatic Modelling. Abstracts,
Deutscher Wetterdienst, Geschaeftsbereich Forschung und Entwicklung,
Arbeitsergebnisse Nr. 78, E. Heise and J. Steppeler, Eds., October
2003, Offenbach am Main, Germany.
Newsletters, Preprints, Reports
Adrian, R., H. Behrendt, J. Freyhof, D. Gerten, S. Golosov,
G. Kirillin, and T. Mehner, 2005. The impact of climate variability on aquatic
ecosystems: Match and mismatch resulting from shifts in seasonality
and distribution - the concept of AQUASHIFT. Annual Report, vol.
Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, 81-87.
Balsamo, G., E. Dutra, V. M. Stepanenko, P.
Viterbo, P. M. Miranda, and D. Mironov, 2009: Deriving an effective
depth from satellite lake surface temperature:A feasibility study with
MODIS data. Technical Memorandum,
No. 609, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Reading,
UK, 16 pp. (PDF)
Balsamo, G., R. Salgado, E. Dutra, S. Boussetta, T. Stockdale, and M. Potes, 2011:
On the contribution of lakes in predicting near-surface temperature in a global weather forecasting model.
Technical Memorandum,
No. 648, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Reading,
UK, 16 pp. (PDF)
Dutra, E., V. M. Stepanenko, G. Balsamo, P. Viterbo, P. M. A. Miranda, D. Mironov, and C. Schär, 2010:
Impact of lakes on the ECMWF surface scheme.
Technical Memorandum, No. 608,
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Reading, UK, 15 pp.
Kourzeneva, E., 2009: Global dataset for the parameterization of lakes
in Numerical Weather Prediction and Climate modeling.
ALADIN Newsletter, No. 37,
F. Bouttier and C. Fischer, Eds., Meteo-France, Toulouse, France, 46-53.
(download the entire volume)
Kourzeneva, E. P. Samuelsson, G. Ganbat, and
D. Mironov, 2008:
Implementation of lake model FLake in HIRLAM. HIRLAM Newsletter, No.
54, 54-61. (available from
Maher, O. A., S. Golosov, A. Mitrokhov,
N. Palshin, M. Petrov, E. Shipunova, A. Terzhevik, R. Zdorovennov, and
G. Zdorovennova, 2004: Dynamics of dissolved oxygen in a shallow lake:
measurements and modelling.
Department of Water Resources Engineering, Institute of Technology,
University of Lund, Report 3247, Lund, 51 pp.
Manrique Suñén, A., A. Nordbo, G. Balsamo, A. Beljaars, and I. Mammarella, 2012:
Representing land surface heterogeneity with the tiling method:
merits and limitations in presence of large contrast.
Technical Memorandum,
No. 683, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Reading, UK, 25 pp.
Mironov, D. V., 2008: Parameterization of
lakes in numerical
weather prediction. Description of a lake model. COSMO Technical Report, No. 11,
Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach am Main, Germany, 41 pp. (PDF)
Mironov, D., and B. Ritter, 2003: A first
version of the ice model for the global NWP system GME of the German
Weather Service. Research Activities
in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling, J. Cote, Ed., Report
No. 33, April 2003, WMO/TD, 4.13-4.14. (PDF)
Mironov, D., and B. Ritter, 2004: A new sea
ice model for GME. Technical Note,
Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach am Main, Germany, 12
pp. (PS)
Mironov, D., and B. Ritter, 2004: Testing the
new ice model for the global NWP system GME of the German Weather
Service. Research Activities in
Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling, J. Cote, Ed., Report No. 34,
April 2004, WMO/TD-No. 1220, 4.21-4.22. (PDF)
Mironov, D., N.
Schneider, B. Ritter, and E.
Heise, 2005: Implementation of a lake model fLake into the
NWP system LM of the German Weather Service: preliminary results. Research Activities in Atmospheric and
Oceanic Modelling, J. Cote, Ed., Report No. 35, Month 2005,
WMO/TD-No. 1220, 4.15-4.16.
username science, password
Mironov, D., A. Terzhevik, F. Beyrich,
and E.
Heise, 2004: A lake model for use in numerical weather prediction
systems. Research Activities in
Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling, J. Cote, Ed., Report No. 34,
April 2004, WMO/TD-No. 1220, 4.23-4.24. (PDF, username
science, password science)
Braslavski, D., 2004: Experiments with Zero-Dimensional Lake
Model. M.Sc. Thesis, Russian State Hydrometeorological
University, St. Petersburg, Russia, 51 pp. (in Russian)
Dutra, E., 2011: Global Land-Atmosphere Coupling Associated With Cold Climate Processes.
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Lisbon, Portugal, 103 pp.
4.6 MB)
Ganbat, G. O., 2006: External-Parameter Fields for Hydrodynamic
Models of the Atmosphere. B.Sc.
Thesis, Russian State Hydrometeorological
University, St. Petersburg, Russia, 36 pp. (in Russian) (PDF
- 2.4 MB)
Kirillin, G., 2002: Modeling of the Vertical Heat Exchange in
Shallow Lakes. Ph.D. Thesis, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, 104 pp.
(PDF - 1.8 MB)
Stepanenko, V. M., 2007:
Numerical Modelling of the
Interaction of the Atmosphere with Inland Water Bodies. Ph.D.
Thesis, Moscow State University, Scientific Research Computing Center, Moscow, Russia, 159
pp. (in Russian) (PDF -
3.8 MB,
DJVU - 1.3 MB) (Abstract
of thesis, 32 pp., in Russian, PDF -
1.1 MB)
Wilberforce, K., 2006: Lake Parameterisation in NWP and Climate
Models. B.Sc. Thesis, Russian State Hydrometeorological
University, St. Petersburg, Russia, 23 pp.